Thursday, February 18, 2010

Down to the wire(s)...

It's been an intersting two days of working on this 2001 Isuzu pickup. The more I look, the more burnt or broken wires that I find.

A melted fuse panel, the result of someone using a solid piece of wire to replace a fuse...not a good idea.

So far I've been able to repair the power windows (it's nice to be able to open your window on a hot  African day...), get the automatic door locks to operate ONLY when they're supposed to (as in NOT unlocking when you're walking away from the vehicle), and the rear taillights now work like they're supposed to.
Next on the list is to get the air conditioning and fan to work...oh yes, and to get both wiper blades to move at the same time.

There must be a moral to this maybe the right fuse in the right place saves an entire wiring harness...but that doesn't sound very profound.
Maybe it's just a reminder that nothing lasts forever, although a little maintenance will certainly help.

Tomorrow I think I'll tighten the loose horn on Nurse Keren's motorcycle...I could use the change in scenery...


  1. I've updated the settings so that it should be easier to leave comments now!

  2. Thanks for fixing the horn! I used it just this morning to clear a herd of goats off of the road :O)
